Sunday, October 01, 2006

Weblog Assignment #5


I visited this web site. If you visit this web site, you can get the information about DOOM (the name of a killing game). This computer game was developed by id Software in 1993. This is one of the most famous first-person shooter games in the world. Now, there are several series because these games have a high popularity among young men. On the other hand, there are many arguments against killing scenes, and shoot-out scenes in these games.

My opinion

I think these killing games may cause serious problems for young people, because if you play these games, these teach you how to use a gun, kill people, and something like that. Moreover, if you continue to play these games, you might get an illusion. Then, you will become unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Even though these games are liked by young people, I don't think these are really good for those reasons.


Alotaibi said...

Hi, Rio
but I think that killing games don't make any problem for young people as you said!

batil said...

hey rio you doing very well . it is good . batil

Ai said...

I agree your opinion.
Violent scenes have bad influences on children.
However, if this game is banned, somebody will try to play it for their curiosities.
We shoud limit age for playing these games.